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Welcome to Barbury

Welcome to Barbury Shooting School situated on the Marlborough Downs just minutes from junction 15 of the M4. We are open 7 days a week for practice sessions, tuition, parties and corporate events. As well as clay shooting we also offer other activities including archery, air rifles and simulated game days.


Open to the public and open 7 days a week!

Please note varying café opening times


Upcoming Events


Opening Times

Monday - 09:00, last entry 16:30 (Close 17:30)
Tuesday - 09:00, last entry 16:30 (Close 17:30)
Wednesday - 09:00, last entry 16:30 (Close 17:30)
(April to September 09:00, last entry 19:00, Close 20:00)
Thursday - 09:00, last entry 16:30 (Close 17:30)
Friday - 09:00, last entry 16:30 (Close 17:30)
Saturday - 09:00, last entry 14:30 (Close 15:30)
Sunday - 09:00, last entry 11:30 (Close 13:00)
Bank Holidays - 09:00, last entry 11:30 (Close 13:00)