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Shooting at Barbury

Shooting Practice

Practice sessions are available 7 days a week for experienced shooters to turn up and shoot a round of sporting clays.

Members - 33p a clay
Guests - 41p a clay

Members Gold card - 30p a clay (purchase 1,000 clays at a time)

Thinking of coming shooting but are on your own? don’t worry - we’ve got you covered. We operate the ‘Claymate’ system through the shooting ground, which has a very user friendly ‘solo delay’ feature. If you would prefer to have somebody come round with you, then we can provide a member of staff to Caddy for you for just £15.

NOTE - FIBRE WADS ONLY, Except for certain competitions

Expert Tuition

Newcomers to the sport of clay pigeon shooting will find Barbury Shooting School the ideal venue to make a successful start in the sport. In particular, we ensure that every newcomer receives a full and thorough grounding in all aspects of gun safety and shooting etiquette as well as coaching geared to their individual pace of learning.

1 Person2 Sharing3 Sharing
Adult 1 hour lesson£87£107£112
Adult course of 6 lessons£435£535£560
Junior/student 1 hour lesson£57£72£77
Junior/student course of 6 lessons£285£360£385
Mixed Adult/Junior 1 hour lesson £92£107
Mixed Adult/Junior course of 6 lessons £460£535

Note: Lesson price does not include cost of Clays and Cartridges - you may also provide your own cartridges.


Barbury offers a membership program for regular clay shooters.
Members also get reduced rates on practice sessions and other events and offers throughout the year.

The objective of the membership is to provide you and your guests with a year round facility in a private, pleasant and friendly environment.

Membership feesSingleFamily(2 people)
Annual fee (including reduced lesson)£122£132
Annual fee (no lesson)£97£107
Annual Membership
from £39.00

Annual Membership to Barbury Shooting School. Valid for 12 months from the month of purchase. *Gun storage for up to 3 shotguns only


Whether it's a 21st or 50th birthday, Christmas event, Stag or Hen party, clay pigeon shooting is an ideal choice for those looking to do something different. At Barbury Shooting School, we can offer a fully tailored programme to meet your exact needs. Read more...

Corporate Days

Clay shooting is now one of the fastest growing forms of corporate hospitality and provides an especially exciting way to promote your business or service, entertain your customers or motivate staff at every level. Read more...

Charity Events

Charity Clay Pigeon shoots are becoming a highly effective way of raising money while providing everybody with a most enjoyable day out. Here at Barbury we have worked with many charities to raise substantial funds through charity shooting days.

Contact us for more information on organising a charity shoot at Barbury.

Young Clayshots

Clay shooting, Air Rifle and Archery events open to ages 6 to 16. Sessions available on various days during the school holidays - no experience required. Read more...

Air Rifle & Archery

In addition to clay shooting we also have an archery area available for experienced archers to use for practice. Read more…

Map of the Shooting School

Map of the Shooting School

Driven Areas

Here at Barbury, we have 4, private, Driven Game areas - perfect for those wanting to sharpen their skills before heading out to the game field.

These can be pre-booked on hourly slots at no extra charge

Areas are marked on the map above as follows;
- The Top Meadow = Grouse
- The Rosebowl = High Pheasant
- The Middle = Pheasant/Partridge
- The Oval = Pheasant/Partridge
- The Skeet = Partridge


Gun Hire On-Site:

  • £2 Members

  • £8 Non-Members