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The Barbury Gunshop is located on site at our award winning shooting ground, Barbury Shooting School, located 10 minutes from Junctions 15 & 16 of the M4. We have an exceptional collection of new and second-hand shotguns available for purchase. Stocking a full range from leading manufacturers - Beretta, Blaser, Browning, Caesar Guerini, Miroku, Perazzi plus many others, we are sure to have the right gun for you.

Our enthusiastic and knowledgeable Gunshop staff are on hand 7 days a week to give advice to both the novice and more experienced shot. If you can’t find what you are looking for, or would like some advice on any shooting related product, simply come in and see us or call 07872 666154 - we will be more than happy to help.

Gunshop Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00

Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00

Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00 (Summer 09:00 - 19:00)

Thursday 09:00 - 17:00

Friday 09:00 - 17:00

Saturday 09:00 - 16:00

Sunday 09:00 - 13:00


Try Before you bUY

With the Gunshop being on site at one of the country’s leading shooting grounds, you have the perfect opportunity to try out any of our demonstrator or second hand guns before you buy.

Over 15 stands of sporting targets for the clay shooter to play on and 4 game areas, complete with an array of high towers and driven targets, for the game shot to put the gun through it’s paces on!

If you are looking at coming to try a gun from the Gunroom, then it is often best to contact us first and book a slot in - to ensure the gun is ready and waiting for you when you arrive.


Looking at selling your current gun for something new but don’t know how to go about it? Selling your gun privately can often be quite time-consuming and difficult to do so, why not let us take care of it for you.

We can sell guns on your behalf on a sale or return basis. With the Gunshop being on one of the busiest shooting grounds in the UK, you can benefit from exposure to thousands of our existing customers as well as new customers through website, social media pages and marketing campaigns.

If you are looking for a quick sale, then we do buy guns outright and will consider most things at the right price. We are always looking to purchase second hand guns for cash to add to our collection in store.

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Other Services

Part Exchange - We offer favourable part exchange deals when purchasing one of our guns. Want to know what your gun is worth? Bring it in and one of our Gunroom experts can value it for you.
Gun Storage - We offer Gun Storage from £80 a year for members (Max 3 guns in storage at one time) for guest rates and storage prices for more than 3 guns please get in touch.
Servicing & Repairs - We undertake gun servicing, repairs and alterations from a simple overhaul to a complete re-build, re-barrelling and re-stocking.
Gun Fit - We offer a fully professional gun fitting service with one of our experts here at the Shooting School. With the facility to shoot an array of targets out on the ground and the use of a pattern plate, we can ensure your gun is right for you whether buying new, restocking or altering your gun.
Gun Sourcing - Looking for something in particular? Can’t see it in our Gunshop? Get in touch with our Gunshop staff and leave the rest to us. With an extensive list of contacts throughout the industry, whether it be you are wanting a particular Shotgun, Rifle or Air Rifle, we can find exactly what you are looking for.

We are proud to stock a wide selection of products from leading manufacturers such as;

  • Beretta

  • Blaser

  • Caesar Guerini

  • Miroku

  • Perazzi

  • Croots

  • Howes & Wayko

  • MacWet

  • Weihrauch

  • BSA

  • Teague Precision Chokes

  • Hull Cartridge

  • Gamebore

  • Lyalvale Express

  • Le Chameau

  • House of Cheviot

  • + Many more!